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  • Can anyone read my answers?
    No. Your answers are stored in a secure database that can only be accessed by project adminstrators. Your answers only become available to researchers after they have been anonymised.
  • How do I get my answers removed from the database?
    Please use the button below to ask for your answers to be removed.
  • Can I get a copy of my answers?
    Yes. You can save or print your answers once you have completed the survey. After you press "submit" select the option "My responses" to download or print a .pdf.
  • Can I save my answers as I go along?
    You can and should save your answers as work through the survey.
  • Can I go back and change my answers?
    You can move through the survey with the “previous” and “next” buttons at the bottom of every page. To change a text answer simply delete what you have written and type your new answer. You can change anything until you press the "submit" button at the end of the survey. Once you have submitted you cannot change your answer but you can contact to ask to have your answers deleted and complete a new survey.
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